My name is Saul Sandoro Malau.saya was called by my friends saul or ul. my son to 4 of 4 brothers or commonly referred to as my youngest child was born in Jakarta on February 21 1989.saya actually born in medan.tapi because my birth certificate diurusnya in Jakarta, so I wrote the story was born in jakarta.panjang why it can terjadi.waktu I want to ride to the 3rd grade in the field, our family decided to move to bekasi.waktu that time, diploma in rural terrain deemed not applicable in bekasi.ketika I asked my dad why it happened, my father only factor when the government says that it does not recognize the transfer certificate from out of town.
Because they are not applicable, then inevitably I have to repeat from the 1st grade lagi.saat I go to school at SDN Bojong Swamp Lumbu II.banyak obstacles I faced in school tersebut.mulai of language adjustment to new friends association I have not pahami.meskipun so, I was glad to get my friends who graduated elementary years good.I 2004.saya continue my study in SMP PGRI 15
Bantar Gebang.banyak the ups and downs that I experienced at the junior high.
After graduation from secondary school in 2006, I continued my study field Mahanaim.ketika I graduated high school and was accepted at the high school test Mahanaim, I was nervous sekali.tapi when it began the process of teaching and learning, I am very happy sekali.banyak friend in Christ that I have come across. though happy, there are things that make me very sad that I've lived kelas.hal that I experienced as a lot of lessons in high school that I did not mengerti.ditambah again my attitude is easy to give up when it gets bad grades.
Everyday I kuliah.walaupun busy busy, I sometimes help parents saya.sebelum left for college, my mother drove home pasar.setelah to college, I helped my father eat chicken ternaknya.kalau members on vacation, I always clean the house.
My father was a wirausaha.menurut I though only an entrepreneur, but the spirit of my father siapapun.hal exceeds that's what makes us a family to survive in jakarta city ini.sedangkan my mother is a homemaker tangga.kesehariannya spent in my rumah.saudara The first already has 3 anak.saudara kawin.dia my 2nd now being worked out in the ship negri.tepatnya pesiar.karena he also kuliah.dan I could continue my brother to 3 now being college while working at PT. maybe that's all I can tell you about myself.thank you.